Automation of sales force
Mobile application Sales Force Application is a solution designed to optimize on field sales management activities. Purpose of this mobile application is collection and processing of orders, fulfillment of tasks and monitoring of sales agent’s performance.
Wippo SFA features
System WIPPO SFA is available at Android-based mobile phones or pads. It is designed forcompanies dealing with on field sales agent activities, including distribution or production activities.
Centralization of information
Sales agents are mobile in their activity having the access to all customer data and history of past transactions. The advantage is that such information may be directly accessed from the mobile device.
Collection of orders
On-line based collection of orders or provision of offers by sales agents. Information about the previously ordered products accounting for the customer needs and about the products in stock.
Planning of agent routes
Optimal planning of sales agent routes and tracking the compliance with the customer visiting schedule.
History of orders
The performance of sales agents is higher due to use of the database containing the history of previous orders (range) of each customer.
Benefits of Wippo SFA
Automation of sales and distribution processes. It eliminates man-made errors and duplicateactivity situations and is aimed at lowering of logistic costs.
Improvement of sales agent productivity
Wippo SFA allows increasing productivity and efficiency of the sales agents due to direct access to the required information about the customer, contracts, prices, stocks, orders and income statistics.
Reduces the processing time of the visits
It is possible due to saving of the administrative activity time – automated transfer of orders, invoices, and receipts; stocks and promotional campaigns may be presented directly from the mobile device.
Saves order preparation time
Orders are collected and processed immediately after being synchronized at SFA mobile application in stock, thus saving time for traditional collection and processing of orders.
Increasing the turnover speed
Sales agent is always up to the minute with the customer turnover. It contains information about the accounts receivable, credit limit, outstanding accounts receivable, and sales revenue for the current year.
Monitoring sales agent activity
Wippo SFA facilitates coordination and monitoring of sales agent activity. Moreover, its motivation is kept up through implementation of a transparent bonus system based on key performance indicators (KPI).
Improvement of customer relationship
Improvement of customer relationship and corporate identity through the accurate organization of orders. The advantage is saved time and elimination of human factor in losing information about the orders.
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