Mobile application for forwarding agents

Wippo POD (Proof of Delivery) is a mobile application for forwarding agents for automation of the process of product delivery to the customer. It is a system of control and communication for forwarding agents (drivers), sales agents and central office.

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Wippo POD-based features

This so-called “confirmation of delivery” is secured by capturing of system with reference to the time of delivery, status of delivery, list of errors and actions taken at delivery point.

1 Allocation of delivery routes

Each forwarder automatically receives through the POD mobile application the information
about all routes (list of client per route) which shall be fulfilled today.

2 Processing of tasks at delivery point

Once arriving at delivery point, a forwarder fulfills a number of tasks / activities which are
reported in furtherance to the central office.

3 Activity report

Once the route is sent to the forwarder, POD system automatically generates a report of its

Forwarder mobile application – Advantages

Wippo POD solution is an efficient system with intuitive monitoring of deliveries, developed for widely used mobile platform – Android.

Efficient communication
Efficient communication
Automated data exchange allows allocation of routes and tasks per delivery points, which are in furtherance returned for analysis or generation of new tasks for the central office.
List of tasks
List of tasks
Should any problems arise at delivery point, the sender may take a number of actions, which may be promptly synchronized with the management system (1C, UNIAC, SAP, etc) and may save time for collection/reporting.
Intuitive interface
Intuitive interface
Mobile application is intuitive and does not require an intensive training, which allows each forwarder (driver) using it easily, regardless of the age.
Reports and analysis
Reports and analysis
Management interface POD (BackOffice) allows generation of multiple reports about the
forwarding activity accounting for the completed routes.

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